Thursday, June 7, 2012

Long Time No.....Blog

I'm back after an unplanned blogging absence. Life got away from me for a while. Again.

No, but seriously.....about 2 months ago my workload increased about 10 fold at work. I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say someone around here has very unrealistic expectations and their sense of how long our (my and the two other admin girls') tasks take us is very "off". When I voiced some complaints recently about this insane workload to my boss, she said after the summer vacation we'll all sit down and raise problems, reassess, etc. OK. I'm prepared to give it that long but something's gotta change and if it doesn't, I'm NOT sticking around here for 6 years like I did in my last job. It's a shame because the people here are NOT bad people. The company's been around for 20+ years and you'd think by now they'd get people management and company management down pat - but nooooooooo. Someone around here is making some really bad management decisions and employees are starting to leave because of it. One employee has already announced that she's leaving and 3 others in the past week have said they're thinking of looking for something else. But what?

DH has been out late 4 nights a week for the past month and a half at play rehearsals. He was in 3 performances last week so now that's finished with, thank goodness. On the one hand, he's very dramatic and TALENTED when it comes to acting (how come acting comes to naturally to Brits?) and needs an outlet for it and it's nice having him out from under foot in the evenings so I can conduct my evening and do what I need to do with the kids without interference from him but........I barely saw him the whole 6 weeks except on weekends which was hard.

I've booked my ticket to the U.S. for 2 weeks in October. I'm going to meet for the first time my half-sister who I found on Facebook a year ago February. This is my Dad's daughter from his first short-lived marriage. The plan is that while I'm staying with her in the Seattle area, Dad and his wife will drive up to see me and meet his daughter and her family for the first time as well. Needless to say it's going to be a VERY intense trip. So I'm looking forward to the trip and having a break. I just hope DH will manage with the kids while I'm away.

I'm taking T to a play at the theater in Tel Aviv tonight. It's a comedy and came highly recommended by a few people I work with so hope it will be good and that she'll enjoy it.

The summer is fast approaching.....Y will be in the camp run by her school for the first three weeks of the summer.

T is looking for a job waitressing in one of the many wedding halls around town although since she's not 16 yet (legally employable), she's not sure anyone will hire her. In lieu of that, she has been asked to work as a mother's helper for a friend of mine who just had her 2nd baby but I'm not sure how full-time that will be. In addition, she was asked by another friend of mine to babysit her three kids for three weeks, 4 days a week from 9-1. Not sure how she's planning to coordinate those two child minding jobs but it's nice to be in demand. She wants to work as much as possible this summer which I am very glad to see. She said over half the kids in her class have jobs of one kind or another and I guess it's rubbing off on her so......something positive. Yay!

I have completed another set of earrings from a new beading book that was just published and which I ordered off the internet. These patterns are more complicated than anything I've done until now and I wasn't sure I'd be able to follow the written instructions so I started off with the earrings. I figured if they didn't turn out, I wouldn't have wasted a lot of money on a huge quantity of beads such as the bigger projects call for. Anyway, they came out AMAZINGLY and I've started a BIG necklace project that will take me some time to complete.

Y lost her 3rd tooth on Tuesday and found a nice letter AND 10 NIS from the tooth fairy in an envelope under her pillow yesterday morning. :-) That tooth was a loooooooooong time in falling - whew!

I am SO happy to announce that E seems to have FINALLY cottoned on to pooping in the pot and hasn't missed once in the last 8 or 9 days. All of a sudden it clicked for him. Of course the first few times we all made a huge deal over it and him and danced and cheered and gave him treats afterwards. We told him, "See? Abba's smiling and Ima's smiling and T is smiling and Y is smiling and your teacher is smiling. EVERYONE is smiling." He likes when he's pooping for me to sit on the edge of our bed and talk to him. So this morning he was pooping and we were talking. Then with his two index fingers he pushed the corners of his own mouth into a smile and said, "Ima! Smile! You're not SMILING!" LOL

And another funny....On Friday E said he had to pee. He pulls his pants down had a little erection. So he sits down on the pot and he's trying to explain what's going on. He's like, "Ima? Um....Ima? willie (DH's word for penis) ("he's" or "it's" in Hebrew) GROWING!" LOLOLOL. OMG, now WHAT do you do with a statement like THAT???

And a funny from Y....she said, "Ima, does the hospital have clowns who come to make the children happy when they come for a vaccination?" I said they might have clowns who come to make children who are very ill and who have to be in the hospital for a LONG time happy and help them to forget for a little while how bad they feel. I said, "Would you like to have a job like that of being a clown who makes ill children happy?"  She said, "Nah. I want to be a policewoman." When I asked why she said, "I need a job with more action - riding in the a police car, chasing people......" She kills me!

Y also informed us that she is bored with gynmastics and wants to take soccer next year. I took her for a trial lesson (she is the ONLY girl there!!!!) at the community center across the street from us where it is offered and she said she definitely wants to sign up for next year. (I thought her being the only girl would be a deterrent but no. She's ok with it! The girl has so much self-confidence it's not even funny.) And I'm the last one who's going to discourage her. I asked at the center if she could join the team already this year even though there's only a month left in this school year and they said yes. DH and I figured that will give her a month to try it on a twice weekly basis and then she'll have to decide between soccer and gynmastics for next year.

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