Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Head's Stuck to the Computer.....

I have had my head stuck to my computer at work since 9:30 this morning. It's now 13:25 (aka lunchtime) so I'm taking a break to eat/blog.

What about? Hmmm. Not sure. All bloggers say that the main thing is to write something even if inspiration is lacking. So here I am.

Last night was fun. NOT. I went to sleep around 12:30 or 1 am (I know, I know - stupid). At 2:30 E woke both of us up crying. DH went to see what was wrong. I'll spare you all the "backing and forthing" that went on. Suffice to say he seemed to be hungry despite having downed TWO (2) bowls of pasta at dinner time. So at 2:30 am it ended up taking him AN HOUR to eat ONE (1) banana and get himself back to sleep. Yes. Fun fun. So needless to say I was not a happy person when the alarm clock went off this morning.

DH was out last night at the play rehearsal. I realized last night that I don't even know when the performance(s) are. Anyway, he goes out about 2 nights a week for rehearsals. I asked T to look after the little ones for me and get them in bed and I went out for a long walk (1 1/2 hours!!). It was great. When I got back the kids were down so I had a little computer time and Skyped my Dad who wasn't home but had a chat with his wife.

Going to Mom's tonight to help her with whatever she needs done. Don't know which of my offspring, if any, will come with me.

I may have mentioned that some whacking great big monstrosities of apt. buildings will be going up very soon smack dab across the road from our building. Until now there has been open, uncultivated land over there and every spring we have had a view of these fields of yellow flowers and green for just about as far as you can see. About 3 days ago the tractors and dirt shifters rolled in and the green and flowers is GONE. Instead of gently rolling land, it's being leveled. I am SO DISGUSTED.

This picture was taken last night from the parking lot of our building. The road there is barely two lanes....spitting distance.
 I guess because to me it just smacks of greed. Lately, the city, or whoever, seems to just be throwing up huge hi-rise apt. buildings wherever they can squeeze one in with no thought to population density or how X more people moving in will affect parking in the city (which is already scarce) or traffic into and out of the city or peoples' need for green spaces. The apt. buildings that are nearing the final stages about 2 blocks down from us are built RIGHT on the road. I mean you have the width of the sidewalk and boom - the building is RIGHT there. No green space or any kind of landscaping in front of the building whatsoever. I mean, who wants their living room window to be ON the sidewalk? Or their bedroom window? Or to have traffic rushing back and forth underneath their balcony if they live on the higher floors? The noise, the smell........doesn't even seem like it should be legal to me. And the buildings boring/unattractive/unimaginative.......makes me sick. I mean, really. HELLO!

On another note, E learned to say "O my goodness!" and "Gosh!" And he usually strings them together. Like when I'm changing his poopy diaper and we're having a "discussion" about how much poop there is, he'll go, "O goodness! Gosh!" Too funny. Last night in one of his reasonably human moments, he was being affectionate towards DH and DH said, "Look at him. He looks like butter would melt in his mouth. But we know he's a little devil!" Aren't those cheeks just too delicious for words?

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