Thursday, August 8, 2013

Is it Just Me?

"He who dirties The Land, his prayers will not be answered for 40 days."

This was the quote from some text (the source of this quote was written there but I didn't make note of where it was excerpted from) and printed out on a paper and tacked up onto a tree near where the refreshments are served outside after Shabbat morning services at our synagogue.

The first thought that went through my head when I read it was,"WHAT?! Now you're THREATENING me?!"

The second thought was, "My MOTHER taught me not to litter!"

How utterly PATHETIC that this even has to be said!

I DUNNO, people. Is it just me or does that quote grab anyone else the same way?

Whatever happened to the old adage "Cleanliness is next to godliness."? Let me guess. Too many Xtian overtones in that adage for some, I suppose.

Me? Let's just say I think those Xtians are on to something.

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