Sunday, October 6, 2013

Post Holiday Re-cap

We are now beyond the gazillion holidays of September, parents are back to work full-time and kids back in school.

E stayed on another year in the same gan where he was last year and I'm starting to think that wasn't a smart decision. Only 4 kids who were with him last year also stayed on this year and he's been having a hard time in the mornings saying goodbye to me without crying. He is also very sullen and pouty about going to gan most mornings. In addition to having "lost" most of his friends, I'm sensing that he's a bit bored maybe too. I spoke to his gannenet about it this morning and really didn't like her response at all. So I may look into switching him to the gan across the street from our house where most of his friends are.

T continues to have issues with getting up on time in the mornings early enough to get to school by bus on time. A call from her teacher features largely in most of my mornings these days. I urge T to get up earlier, take the earlier bus but she's not having any of it! I suggested to her teacher today that she require T to stay an hour late after school for being late. I'm out of ideas.

Mom is looking for a small apt somewhere to rent - somewhere with Anglos. This is going to be a tall order b/c her finances are so tight. But I am trying to help her look.

Things in the "friends department" (for me) are looking up. A number of new young moms have moved into the community and a couple of them have really reached out to me. One is very crafty like me and asked me to teach her what I know about beading and we have gotten together a couple of times to make jewelry. Much more fun with someone than without.

The weather has cooled off significantly and we can feel/smell fall just around the corner. I'm thinking that I won't be able to come to work any more with open shoes or short sleeves. The mornings and evenings are getting quite nippy for here.

On Friday, I did some more rearranging of major pieces of furniture in the living room (couch and 2 bookshelves) and I like the new configuration much better. It opens up the living room, which is very large, and gives me a place to sit near the window at the end and feel a bit like I'm sitting outside.

I'm feeling very draggy today. Guess it's the Sunday Blues. However the morning has flown by b/c I was busy with something. It's now lunchtime so I'm going to run.........

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