Monday, November 14, 2011

Feeling Crafty...

I have been feeling SO frustrated that I have no time - well, energy, to be more precise - for doing anything creative. I am sick of it being cold and dark when I get home from work and not being able to get out of the house and DO stuff with the kids and I'm sick of them spending every evening in front of the TV. So this past Friday I spent the whole morning running around town to a fabric store and 2 craft supply stores and picked up some basic craft supplies. I have been finding some great, cute, fun, easy-looking craft ideas on the internet and want to do some with Y.

So here's what we came up with.......

Some cute bookmarks made out of large colored paper clips with ribbons tied onto them.

And these magnets made out of stacks of old buttons that we glued together and glued a magnet to the backs of them.....

These two projects took me and Y a good hour.

And last Saturday night E fell asleep at 6:15 <shocked> so I actually had an evening and spent 6 hours making this necklace.

All three projects very satisfying and great fun.

I just heard a really cute joke....A new immigrant to Israel was asked, "In one word, how would you describe Israel?" He replied, "Good." Then he was asked, "In TWO words, how would you describe Israel?" He replied, "Not good."

The more I think about that, the funnier it gets. But maybe that's just me?

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