Tuesday, November 8, 2011

See If You Can Keep Up

Here's a rundown of how my day went yesterday. See if you can keep up.

1. Up at 6 AM.

2. Spend the next 2 and a half hours -
  • making sure T is up, dressed, has taken her Ritalin and is out the door in some way, shape or form 
  • making sure Y is up, dressed, has eaten and has her bookbag
  • making sure E is up, dressed, has peed in the toilet, and has eaten
  • lunches for both Y and E made and in their respective bags
  • getting myself showered, dressed down to shoes, make-up on and cell phone in purse
  • 7:40 - Y gets taken to the school bus by DH
  • 8:00 - Just as me, T and E are leaving the house, E poops in his pants. I spend the next 10 minutes cleaning him up and changing his clothes while DH and T are waiting downstairs in the car for me.
  • 8:15- T gets dropped of by us (due to the bus strike) at school (across town)  
  • 8:20 - E gets dropped off at gan (daycare)
  • 8:30 - I arrive half an hour late to work
3. At work,  must remember to -
  • actually work - difficult, since I am already feeling frazzled (and it's only 8:30 in the morning!)
  • make skin dr. appt for T
  • an appt with the podiatrist to take care of T's 2nd ingrown toenail
  • eye dr. appt for Y
4. 4:30 pm - get picked up from work by DH

5. 5:10 - T asks me to take her to her 5:30 appointment to get her nails done and Y asks if she can go with Y. I stupidly (since she hadn't done her homework yet) agree. While all this is being negotiated, E has managed to take off his shoes and socks even though I tell him we're going straight back out. I decide NOT to spend the time putting them back on since we're just going out to take T to her appointment and I whisk him downstairs to the car along with T and Y, all the while he's screaming that he wants his shoes on. Telling him he doesn't need them since we won't be getting out of the car does no good. The 20 minute round trip is accompanied by earsplitting shrieks and tears from E.

6. 5:45 - me and E arrive back home and I attempt to bathe him thinking that will distract him from the shoe tantrum. It just turns into a bath tantrum and thus a bath battle. He is forcibly bathed and pajama-ed while the shrieking and tears continue.

7. After the bath, we move on into dinnertime. E is calm by this point, eating an apple on the couch and watching Barney. I use the quiet time while the girls are out to make some sort of cake that was supposed to be cinnamon buns but wasn't. I was seriously needing some comfort food. And I got the couchful of laundry folded. Folded, mind. A HUGE accomplishment, considering.

8. 8 pm - The girls mosey in. T goes to the computer in her room. I introduce Y to her awaiting homework.

9. 8:15 - I'm trying to do homework with Y and keep tabs on E who keeps chewing up his apple and spitting it on the floor. E next tells me he pooped in his pants AGAIN. So we go through the whole 10 minute clean up/changing routine that we'd gone through in the morning. During these 10 minutes that I am tied up with E, Y is howling that her homework is toooooo haaaaaard and she caaaaan't do iiiiiiittt! This is when that little word "delegate" occurs to me. T is roped by me into helping Y with her homework while I wash the poop load out of E's underpants. While I'm doing this, he pees on the bathroom floor and finds that funny. Me? Mmmmm. Not so much.

10. The girls graze on The Cinnamon Buns That Weren't for dinner. Well, at least they ARE whole wheat.

11. 9:00 I join E on the couch to watch Barney and rub his feet in the hopes that he will get sleepy soon. He konks out around 10 pm along with Y who is sprawled on the cushions on the floor in the living room.

I am brain dead from watching so much Barney, cute though he is. I have folded laundry staring back at me that I do not have energy to deal with. I am cold and bored and since it is now dark by 5:30, once we hit 10 pm I feel like I've been up all night. I am needing to color my hair but too tired to add even the extra half hour that that takes to my day. I give up and go to bed without even spending a minute with DH and feeling that I haven't done ONE creative thing for myself all day. (I do NOT enjoy cooking so the Cinnamon Buns That Weren't don't count.)

And the fun continues in much the same vein today. Where's my fairy godmother???????

1 comment:

  1. Yup. There are THOSE DAYS.

    Speaking of poop anecdotes, yesterday as I was having a nap Shira pooped in the potty all by herself (nice), and Tehilla went and smeared all the poop all over herself (not so nice).

    The necklace you did above is gorgeous. Simply gorgeous. Oh, and we've been cooped up all week too! So far I've made play-dough, constructed a camp in the living room, taught Shira the basics of making necklaces (I'm sure you'll approve), did a whole lot of baking, made musical rattles out of empty coffee cans, a long hard cardboard roll, some rice and beans, did a whole series of watercolors... you get the gist.

    Can't wait for the rain to stop (go ahead and shoot me) at least during the day so I can do the laundry without it taking 2-3 days to dry inside, and so we can go OUTSIDE, for heaven's sake. I'm starting to get a bad case of cabin fever.
