Sunday, February 12, 2012


I had the nicest Shabbat with my "big one" and my "little one" yesterday. Everything just flowed on a much slower pace than when DH is around.

E didn't stop making me and T laugh. What a comedian!

Friday night I made a bed for him on the living room floor which is our Friday night ritual. He was bouncing around, not exactly cooperating with going to sleep, so T said to him sternly, "E, lay down or I'm not your friend any more." He dramatically put his face down on his arms and was doing this REALLY fake and loud BOO HOO!-ing. Then he picked up his head and with not a tear in sight said very solemnly, "Ani bocha." (Hebrew fem.: "I'm crying." The fact that he got his Hebrew tenses mixed up made it even funnier.)  Then he put his head back down and carried on BOO-HOO-ing loudly and dramatically with an occasional wail for "Abbbbbaaaaaa!" thrown in for good measure. T and I were trying to be disapproving of him not going to sleep but he kept cracking us up. He knew he was being funny too which made it funnier.

Next, he would stand beside the "bed" of cushions and then leap straight up in the air and come down on the cushions like a rag doll, arms and legs flailing. Then he'd pop up and look at us both with a huge smile and say, "Nachon machik?" (Heb.: "Right it's funny?" The word for "funny" in Hebrew is "matzchik" so he didn't quite get that right either which also made it funny.) We were trying so hard not to laugh and we kept telling him sternly "No, E, it's not 'machik'!" But then T and I would just burst out laughing.

We were eating lunch around 3:30 yesterday. E was standing in his booster chair while T shoveled couscous into his mouth. At this point he had a shirt and diaper on but no pants. T said, "E, do you have kaki (poop)?" He said, "No. See?" With this he turned around and stuck his behind out as far as he could in the direction of her nose. I'm still not sure whether he wanted her to smell his south end or do a visual check but either way it was funny.

Then around 4pm yesterday I put E in the bath for him to play for a while while I read and then I got him out and we played hide and seek in my bed under the covers with imaginary lions and snakes and elephants after us - he LOVES that game. He kept telling me he was going to kill the lions and elephants and he kept pretending to shoot them. I told him Ima doesn't like guns and killing and he should just go "Boo!" and scare them away so we did that for quite a while and took turns going "Boo!" to the lions and elephants. So that seemed like a satisfactory solution. Heehee. That game kept us both amused for a good 45 minutes.

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