Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Zippedee-Doo-Da Day

Friday was AWESOME! It was warm and sunny so a high energy day for me. You know when you have one of those days where everything just ticks along, falls into place, gets DONE effortlessly? That's how it was.

I gave DH a haircut. He was long overdue and looking scruffy 'round the edges. (When he says he's going to get a haircut, we always ask him, "Yeah? Which one?" LOL)

Got Y's dress mended.

Got the cooking done.

Bags and bags of fabric scraps got donated to a good cause.

I colored my hair.

I even got a 2 hour nap. (I am an accomplished napper.)

E got picked up from gan (daycare) early b/c he wasn't feeling well.

Grandma Irene got picked up from Netanya by DH and brought back to spend the weekend with us.

Training wheels for Y's bike got purchased - that's been on the "to do" list FOREVER....

The winter coat that I found at the 2nd hand shop got taken over to my friend's house for her daughter.

I decluttered our bedroom. Looks MUCH better even though I'm not finished.

Yay me! I wish every day was like that.......I guess the stars were in the right alignment.

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