Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Downsizing, Simplifying and De-Cluttering

The bug has bitten me HARD to de-clutter. I mentioned in a post a couple of days ago about the Zen Habits blog that I was finding inspiring and that in the spirit of simplifying and de-cluttering my life I'd deleted all but my closest friends and family from FB.

E woke up with an eye infection on Sunday morning so he could not go to gan (daycare) but stayed home with DH. Yesterday it was my turn to take the day off to stay home with him and give DH a break. The weather was grey and cold and rainy - good housecleaning weather. I woke up with a lot of energy - just being home gives me energy.

My house has been overrun with clutter for toooooo long and I'm sick of looking at it, sick of it draining my creative energy, sick of it taking up space in my life and home. I started a major clear out in T's room which is the catch all for everything that we don't have a proper home for. I won't bore you with the blow by blow account of what I unearthed. Suffice it to say I was pretty brutal and ended up with about 4 jumbo size garbage bags full of STUFF to throw out, 1 large garbage bag of nice clothes that Y has either outgrown or outright refuses to wear - GORGEOUS stuff - that we will be passing on the daughter of a friend of mine, about 6 large garbage bags of fabric scraps that during the 2 years that I was not working I had fantasies of using for various sewing projects but now that I'm working.....not so realistic. I have a few people who are interested in taking the fabric off my hands so the fabric is going to good homes. I also went through my clothes that are hanging in T's closet and bagged up for donation anything that I never wear or that isn't flattering or that doesn't fit anymore or that I just don't LOVE. The amount of space I freed up in that closet and in her room was astonishing and felt awesome! It's still a small, crowded room but at least there is a place for everything and everything in it's place now.

I started doing the same in Y's room which I'd say is 3/4 of the way done. Hope to finish that by the weekend.

I've always said: If you haven't worn it, used it, listened to it, played with it, looked at it in a year - GET RID OF IT! Chances are you won't even miss it.

It feels SO good to let it all go - it's very freeing. I realize that I need to practice my contentment skills and be FAR more selective about what I let in my house or I run the risk of being snowed under again at some point. I still have a long way to go before my house is "under control" but I feel good about the start I've made.

And I'm hoping my pack rat DH will get inspired and follow suit.

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