Wednesday, February 16, 2011


As do all kids, mine have said some pretty funny things over the years. Here are just a few:

Before I remarried, T and I were living in an apartment on our own. We had 3 cats at the time. One night these cats found somehow a roll of toilet paper and played with it all night so that in the morning, T and I got up and came out to the living room to what looked like a snowstorm. Little bits of white fluff EVERYWHERE. We were standing side by side surveying the mess and T quietly said, "I didn't do it!"

Another time I went and bought one of those two-wheeled carts that people use for shopping in the shuk (outdoor market). When I brought that home, T said, "You're not a savta (grandmother)!" I guess she relates those with being old.

Before E was born, DH and I were discussing boys' names in front of the girls. I favor Biblical names. He favors names that "work" in both Hebrew and English. He said, "Why can't we call him Tom or Lee....?" And T carried on with that theme with, "....or Johnny or Sparky?" Don't ask me where she got those!

After E was born, Y, who was 4 1/2 at the time, was watching me change a breast fed poopy diaper of his and at seeing how runny it was she exclaimed, "His kaki (poop) melted!"

Once we went to visit my Mom when Y was about 4 and my Mom had made hazelnut cookies for dessert. Y saw the nuts in the cookies and said to me, "Ima, be careful of the bones."

E isn't talking yet really but here is just a sample of "E's language", as we call it:
"Cock" - could be Crocs, socks or clock but he usually points to it so we can work out which one it is
"Oop" - soup
"Pooz" - an orange in Hebrew is "tapuz"
"Dee-oh" - cereal
"Bibbit" - biscuit
"moomoos" - hummus

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