Sunday, December 11, 2011


I am very artistic. Always have been. As are both of my parents in different ways. Guess I got it from them.

I still love to sit down with some colored pencils and one of Y's coloring books and color either with her or even by myself after she's asleep. It helps one think.

I love to decorate my space(s) - whatever they may be. I look at the world through eyes that ask: "Is it beautiful?" I like making things with my hands. I love detail. The more the better. I love hand-made. I like imagining a beautiful space in my head and then composing it in real life piece by piece.

Lately I am on this jewelry-making kick, trying my hand at different kinds. Seeing what works for me, what doesn't and what is within my budgetary restrictions.

I am realizing that creative expression is a necessity for me. A "need", not just a "want". As a busy, working, frazzled mom to three kids, I have put these crafty yearnings on hold for far too long. It's time to brush them off.

I have no great desire to have this become a career. It's just a private, me thing. An outlet for all kinds of things. But mostly I need it and do it because of its meditation-like qualities that lend themselves to contemplation and inner stillness. (By "it", I mean anything crafty that I might try my hand at.) My "inner pond" is ripple-free when I am creating something with my hands.

At the end of the day, after the kids are in bed, it is hard sometimes to work up motivation for creativity but if I just push myself and get started, all the fatigue just melts away and it will often be hours later that I will look at the clock for the first time and be shocked at the hour. Where did the time go?

Creating gives me a sense of productivity and pleasure so I can meet the following day with a smile.

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