Sunday, December 4, 2011


I'm still on a crafting "shvuuuuung". I have selectively been buying some basic craft supplies here and there that I'm sure I will use with the kids.

Last week I discovered this nifty little gadget made by Epiphany Crafts in the U.S.:

And now I am BADLY wanting one of these little button tools so I can make my own custom buttons to make jewelry out of.

On Friday I went to Ra'anana to a store there called Big Deal that carries a lot of overstock items from the US. They have really good English children's books, games, workbooks and toys as well as stationary, kitchenware, pillows, luggage, candy, and art and craft supplies including scrapbooking supplies. I bought three huge packages of GORGEOUS scrapbooking paper to use with this button making tool which I have ordered from eBay. I think it will greatly expand my jewelry making possibilities.

I can't wait to receive it and get to work!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a neat button gizmo!! I hope you are able to get it soon!
